Version 0.1

-Fixed a lot of bugs, too much to type it out.

-Added the ability to customize your Character, with suits and masks (the icons are a placeholder).

-Made players be able to join lobbies even after they started.

-Added a menu while in game by pressing ESC.

-Added proximity voice chat, hold V to talk (the previous voice chat was not proximity based).

-New elevator design.

-Added doors between tiles/rooms.

-Updated textures.

-Death Screen.

-A functional Spectating System.

-Made it so other players can hear your footsteps.

--SPOILERS-- (the big stuff)

-Made the Ruins Accesible by being on level 15 or above (the ruins are a test for now, you WILL expierence monster spawning bugs and overall performance issues.

-Added 2 New monsters, The Scientist with 3 variants and the Dread Widow with 3 variants

-Deleted 1 monster since it did not work properly, and will be readded when fixed (FIXED IN VERSION 0.2).


The Dark Descent 0.1 69 MB
40 days ago

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