Version 0.18

NOTE: This is just a small snippet of the 0.2 Update. There is not much added YET!

- Fixed some bugs.

-Fixed the bug where other Player couldn't see what items you were holding.

-Reworked the jumping mechanics of the Dread Widow.

-Added 1 new variant to the Dread Widow.

-Made it so enemies now have to wait a bit to open doors.

-Door open time for each enemy added as of now (may change later).

  1. Code Crawler : 1s
  2. Dread Widow : 1.5s
  3. Fireborn : 0.5s
  4. Iron Claw : 2.25s
  5. Armorgeist (when it is added back) : 7s
  6. Monitron : 1s
  7. Scientist : 2s

-Made it so closing the doors is immediate.

-Made the game look better with shaders.

-Fixed an issue where enemies couldn't spawn in the Ruins.

-Replaced all of the icons to fit the art style of the game.

-Replaced the old Main Menu with a new one.

-Made it so you can rotate the preview character in the customization menu.

-Probably added more but i forgot.


- Added 1 new item, the Fire Extuinguisher, you can extuinguish yourself and others from fires


The Dark Descent 0.18 66 MB
17 days ago

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